0014 Experiments in Prayer

All show notes available at: https://mwlisten.wordpress.com/

Special Thanks for this episode:

Spir­i­tu­al Clas­sics: Select­ed Read­ings on the Twelve Spir­i­tu­al Dis­ci­plines. Edited by Richard Fos­ter and Emi­lie Grif­fin. 2000.

Agnes San­ford. The Heal­ing Light. 1947.

Music used under Creative Commons, adapted from:

Only Knows, by Broke for Free https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Broke_For_Free/Layers/Only_Knows


Thoughts from Agnes San­ford in The Heal­ing Light

“Four sim­ple steps into prayer
The first step in seek­ing to pro­duce results by any pow­er is to con­tact that pow­er. The first step then in seek­ing help from God is to con­tact God. ​“Be still and know that I am God.” Let us then lay aside our wor­ries and cares, qui­et our minds and con­cen­trate upon the real­i­ty of God. We may not know who God is or what God is, but we know that there is some­thing that sus­tains this uni­verse, and that some­thing is not our­selves. So the first step is to relax and to remind our­selves that there is a source of life out­side of ourselves.

The sec­ond step is to turn it on, by some such prayer as this ​“Heav­en­ly Father, please increase in me at this time Your life-giv­ing pow­er.” Or if we do not know this out­side life as our Heav­en­ly Father, we can sim­ply say ​“Who­ev­er you are — what­ev­er you are — come into me now!”

The third step is to believe that this pow­er is com­ing into use and to accept it by faith. No mat­ter how much we ask for some­thing it becomes ours only as we accept it and give thanks for it. ​“Thank You,” we can say, ​“that Your life is now com­ing into me and increas­ing life in my spir­it and in my mind and in my body.”

And the fourth step is to observe the oper­a­tions of that light and life. In order to do so, we must decide on some tan­gi­ble thing that we wish accom­plished by that pow­er, so that we can know with­out ques­tion whether our exper­i­ment suc­ceed­ed or failed.

Many Chris­tians are afraid to do this. A woman once told me that she asked God to send her two pairs of rub­bers for her sons, to pro­tect their feet from rain and slush. That night, she said, the ground froze over sol­id and for two days the boys walked to school dry-shod. Upon the third day anoth­er woman gave her two pairs of rub­bers for her sons.

The val­ue of spe­cif­ic requests
“Oh, but I would nev­er dare do that!” cried a young man to whom I repeat­ed this. ​“Because — what if the rub­bers didn’t come?”

If the rub­bers weren’t forth­com­ing, he implied — there was no God. But if he had turned on an elec­tric light and it had failed to shine, he would not have said, ​“There is no elec­tric­i­ty!” He would have said, ​“There is some­thing wrong with this lamp.”

Let us under­stand then that if our exper­i­ment fails it is not due to a lack in God, but to a nat­ur­al and under­stand­able lack in our­selves. What sci­en­tist would be dis­cour­aged if his first exper­i­ment failed? Since we intend with His help to heal our short-com­ings, to repair our wiring, we need not fear to test His pow­er by prayer.

A pair of rub­bers might not be the sim­plest objec­tive, nor a new coat, nor a larg­er home. We might be mis­tak­en con­cern­ing our need of these things. More­over, the attain­ing of such things in prayer involves the sway­ing of more minds than ours, and is rather dif­fi­cult for a first exper­i­ment. Let us choose one of the very sim­plest of prayer-exper­i­ments, remem­ber­ing always that it must be tan­gi­ble; that is, it must be some­thing that we can put the fin­ger on and say either ​“This has been done,” or ​“This has not been done.”

How strange it is that peo­ple who fear to do this do not hes­i­tate to pray for the most dif­fi­cult objec­tives of all, such as the peace of the world or the sal­va­tion of their souls! If they have so lit­tle con­fi­dence in prayer that they do not dare to test their pow­ers of con­tact­ing God by pray­ing for an easy thing, it is prob­a­ble that their cos­mic inter­ces­sions are of lit­tle force. If every­one who prayed for the peace of the world had enough prayer-pow­er to accom­plish the heal­ing of a head cold, this would be a dif­fer­ent world with­in twen­ty-four hours.

An objec­tive that is sim­ple and personal
All the cat­tle on a thou­sand hills are His, all the rub­bers in all the world are under His con­trol and suf­fi­cient pow­er to heal the head colds of all human­i­ty flows at His com­mand. Let us not be afraid, then, to choose for our first prayer-exper­i­ment an objec­tive that is sim­ple and per­son­al. This objec­tive must of course be in accor­dance with God’s will, for it is as dif­fi­cult to make God’s pow­er oper­ate con­trary to His will as it is to make water flow uphill. A wise engi­neer stud­ies the laws of flow­ing water and builds his water sys­tem in accor­dance with those laws. A wise sci­en­tist stud­ies the laws of nature and adapts his exper­i­ments to those laws. And a wise seek­er after God had bet­ter study the laws of God and adapt his prayers to those laws.

There is no great mys­tery con­cern­ing the will of God, in so far as it applies to our small selves. God’s will is writ­ten into His nature, and the nature of God is love. There­fore, when we pray in accor­dance with the law of love, we are pray­ing in accor­dance with the will of God.”

>Jake’s story about computer

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